
Weight loss

I have been a student of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov for several years. In that time I have advanced almost 3 levels of Systema Coronel Maksimtsov and I have done several online courses, among them “Effective breathing for increased survivability, getting rid of health problems”, “Effective gait is the key to good health, to self-defense and […] 

How to develop agility?

Agility is a physical or intellectual quality in relation to the way an action is performed. In other words, it refers to a person’s ability to perform an activity easily, quickly and efficiently. How to develop it? Systema Colonel Maksimtsov proposes a series of exercises with which you can progressively improve your agility. Agility can […] 

Grabs Defence

In many situations of violence of varying intensity, grabs occurs and it is important to know how to react. Grabs can be on different parts of the body and for different purposes. In Systema Colonel Maksimtsov we always train attacks first. These attacks are generally used to control a person or to immobilise them on […] 
Principles Weapons

The threat of weapons

How to train the threat of weapons? In the first levels of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov you train the threat of weapons with a knife and a pistol in different positions. One of the features of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov is to always start with the simplest and study the principles that can help you in these […] 
Health Lower acrobatics


How to train explosivity, strength or endurance without going to the gym? In addition to acrobatics, Systema Colonel Maksimtsov has exercises such as frog, crocodile and kazachok with which you can train all these aspects. These exercises can help you improve your coordination, increase your agility and strength. If you train them intensively for a […] 

Defences against attacks

Defences against attacks in Systema Colonel Maksimtsov are first studied separately, divided into direct attacks, attacks from the side, and attacks from above. They are also divided into attacks with the hands, with the knife and with the stick (shovel, or other weapon of similar length to the stick). This is a characteristic of Systema […] 
Lower acrobatics

Lower acrobatics

Lower acrobatics (falling, rolling) are an important part of martial arts practice. There are many things that can be learned from lower acrobatics, the most obvious being learning how to fall to the ground without injury, this is very important for the subsequent development, during training you will have to fall to the ground continuously, […]