Agility Health Survival

How to push and pull

Sometimes my students say they don’t have enough strength to perform certain actions, and this is only partially true. What usually happens is that they don’t fully understand the movements. Today I present you with a very simple exercise that will help you increase your functional strength when pushing and pulling, and thus better understand […] 
Agility Defences Health Survival

General Abdominal Practice

This practice enhances both local circulation in the abdomen and the overall blood circulation, alleviating bloating and promoting intestinal function. It is particularly effective against constipation, promoting regularity in bowel movements and providing relief for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. In addition to its physical benefits, it also helps release accumulated emotional tension in […] 
Health Survival

Use of cold water

Cold water not only provides refreshing relief but also offers a diverse range of health benefits. Regular exposure to cold temperatures triggers vasoconstriction and dilation of blood vessels in our bodies, improving blood circulation and strengthening the cardiovascular system. This body response to cold not only enhances the efficiency of the circulatory system but may […] 
Agility Health Principles Survival


Since the dawn of civilization, survival has been a constant for humans, an urgent need that persists even in modern times, where reality evolves at a dizzying speed. From those residing in less fortunate places, affected by disasters or wars, to those living in secure societies where technology prevails and scarcity is uncommon. We all […] 


Breathing is a vitally important process for all of us but we are seldom aware of how we breathe or if our breathing is effective or not or if it can be improved.But breathing is the key to relaxation wich is the basis of health and is the main way to get rid of existing […]