Health Motivation

Eyesight recovery

If you have vision problems, I have good news for you: your eyes are not just static organs! They contain muscles that can be exercised. Just as strengthening your biceps improves your physical strength, training your eye muscles can naturally improve your eyesight. The muscles inside the eyes control focus, flexibility and visual coordination. By […] 

Joint Care and Rehabilitation

Are you comfortable with your joints? Can you move without pain or discomfort? Joints, such as knees, hips, and ankles, are crucial for our movement system. However, we often overlook their importance until they start to hurt. Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and maintaining good posture are essential practices to protect them. Additionally, strengthening […] 
Agility Health Motivation Survival

Triple Strikes

Triple strikes stand out for their numerous health benefits and overall well-being. This method of physical and mental training has the ability to strengthen the body, improve agility, and foster survival skills. Regular practice of triple strikes not only tones muscles but also enhances flexibility and motor coordination, thus contributing to a better quality of […]