Category: Principles

Principles Weapons

The threat of weapons

How to train the threat of weapons? In the first levels of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov you train the threat of weapons with a knife and a pistol in different positions. One of the features of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov is to always start with the simplest and study the principles that can help you in these […] 

3rd Principle of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov’s Movement – Continuous Motion

The principles of Motion of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov’s are principles taken directly from the laws of physics and human biomechanics and used to obtain efficient movement. The third principle of motion says that efficient movement is continuous. If you remember Newton’s law of inertia, bodies remain at rest or moving straight ahead at a constant […] 

Laws of Survival

Being a survival system, Systema Colonel Maksimtsov seeks to avoid problems, for that, it has the 3 Laws of Survival, which are: Foresee, Avoid and Act. 1st Law of Survival: Foresee. First of all, to avoid any danger, the first thing to do is to have foresight. By danger I mean anything that involves danger, […]