Category: Motivation

About Motivation

The Ultimate Martial Art

The ongoing debate about which martial art is the most powerful or effective constantly resurfaces. You have likely heard phrases such as “this martial art doesn’t work in real-life situations” or “it’s not effective in competitions,” among other common arguments. In my opinion, the answer to which is the best martial art is quite clear: […] 
Agility Health Motivation Survival


The frog, along with the crocodile and kazachok, is one of the exercises used in Systema Colonel Maksimtsov to practice explosiveness and endurance. By practicing this exercise at its various levels, you will enhance your explosiveness and endurance, strengthen your muscles and joints, and increase your agility and reaction capability. Training with these exercises teaches […] 
Defences Motivation

The Importance of Arrest Techniques

Training in arrest techniques is essential for both law enforcement officers and ordinary individuals. These skills provide control and protection in crisis situations. Training in arrest techniques improves responsiveness in emergencies, allowing for calm and effective action in the face of physical threats or altercations, which is vital for self-protection and the protection of others. […] 
Health Motivation

Eyesight recovery

If you have vision problems, I have good news for you: your eyes are not just static organs! They contain muscles that can be exercised. Just as strengthening your biceps improves your physical strength, training your eye muscles can naturally improve your eyesight. The muscles inside the eyes control focus, flexibility and visual coordination. By […] 
Agility Health Motivation Survival

Triple Strikes

Triple strikes stand out for their numerous health benefits and overall well-being. This method of physical and mental training has the ability to strengthen the body, improve agility, and foster survival skills. Regular practice of triple strikes not only tones muscles but also enhances flexibility and motor coordination, thus contributing to a better quality of […]