Category: Defences

Defences Motivation

The Importance of Arrest Techniques

Training in arrest techniques is essential for both law enforcement officers and ordinary individuals. These skills provide control and protection in crisis situations. Training in arrest techniques improves responsiveness in emergencies, allowing for calm and effective action in the face of physical threats or altercations, which is vital for self-protection and the protection of others. […] 
Defences Survival

Hands release

This is a hand-release exercise. Why should you be interested in knowing and mastering how to release hand holds? Many dangerous situations begin with a simple grab, whether of hands, clothing, etc. Imagine a child abduction attempt, or a young man grabbing a girl’s hand during a party, or perhaps someone grabbing your hand while […] 
Agility Defences Health Survival

General Abdominal Practice

This practice enhances both local circulation in the abdomen and the overall blood circulation, alleviating bloating and promoting intestinal function. It is particularly effective against constipation, promoting regularity in bowel movements and providing relief for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. In addition to its physical benefits, it also helps release accumulated emotional tension in […] 

Grabs Defence

In many situations of violence of varying intensity, grabs occurs and it is important to know how to react. Grabs can be on different parts of the body and for different purposes. In Systema Colonel Maksimtsov we always train attacks first. These attacks are generally used to control a person or to immobilise them on […] 

Defences against attacks

Defences against attacks in Systema Colonel Maksimtsov are first studied separately, divided into direct attacks, attacks from the side, and attacks from above. They are also divided into attacks with the hands, with the knife and with the stick (shovel, or other weapon of similar length to the stick). This is a characteristic of Systema […]