Health Principles  

The practice of silent breathing

The practice of silent breathing entails several significant benefits for mental and physical health. By adopting this approach, one can experience a notable reduction in stress, an improvement in concentration, and an increase in the sensation of relaxation. This method allows calming the mind and fostering a general sense of well-being, making it a valuable tool for managing stress in everyday situations.

Conversely, excessively strong and constant breathing can lead to hyperventilation, characterized by rapid and shallow inhalation that removes too much carbon dioxide from the body without allowing for proper replenishment. As a result, symptoms such as dizziness, numbness, and a feeling of shortness of breath may occur. Additionally, it can increase anxiety and stress. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a balance in how we breathe, favoring calm and deep breaths that ensure adequate oxygenation without disturbing the body’s gas balance.

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