Agility Health Principles Survival  


Since the dawn of civilization, survival has been a constant for humans, an urgent need that persists even in modern times, where reality evolves at a dizzying speed. From those residing in less fortunate places, affected by disasters or wars, to those living in secure societies where technology prevails and scarcity is uncommon. We all share the need for security for ourselves and our families, as well as the importance of having access to health services, food, water, and shelter, along with cultivating social relationships and having economic resources.

Yet, in numerous situations, today’s humans have abdicated the responsibility of forging their own path, delegating security to the police, health to medical services, and access to resources to the corresponding governments.

In this era of constant change, adaptability is essential. This is where the relevance of Systema Coronel Maksimtsov comes into play, an integral system with three key pillars: Survival, Health, and Agility, incorporating a series of principles and practices applicable in various situations.

These practices will restore your ability to protect yourself and your loved ones, maintain and recover your health when necessary, and use your body and mind efficiently and precisely, enabling you to achieve your dreams.

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