Defences Weapons  

Is it useful to train in defense against weapons?

There is intense debate surrounding the effectiveness of training in defense against weapons. Some argue that this type of training is futile due to the undeniable superiority provided by the use of weapons.

While I acknowledge the significant advantage that weapons offer, I disagree that this type of training is a complete waste of time. Following that logic, one could argue that training in martial arts (or any other activity) is equally pointless, since there will always be someone better than oneself. Taking this reasoning to the extreme, one might ask, ‘Why live if we’re ultimately going to die? ‘

Firstly, the best defense against weapons is prevention; that is, avoiding conflict situations. However, there are occasions when prevention is not enough, such as in a surprise terrorist attack. Additionally, security professionals should have skills in defense against weapons, especially if they work in dangerous environments. Training in defense against weapons can also improve one’s handling of them. These are some reasons why this type of training could be beneficial.

In these images, I am demonstrating one of the most misunderstood exercises in Systema, even by many of its practitioners. In reality, I am not trying to dodge the attack, as most people tend to think, but rather practicing relaxation to minimize the damage caused by knife cuts.

You could see this “technique” as the airbag or seatbelt of your vehicle, which do not prevent accidents but could save your life. Nevertheless, whether to use the seatbelt or decide to invest in an airbag remains a decision only you can make.

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