
Getting out of the line of attack

This is perhaps a very basic exercise for many, but it remains important and I recommend practicing it for both beginners and those who are not so new to this.

Often, we overlook basic exercises simply because we consider them basic, and sometimes we are able to do them not because we have a very good technique, but because we compensate with strength, speed, or other factors. But this is a bad habit that hinders your long-term growth. To excel in martial arts, it’s necessary to build from a solid foundation.

In this exercise, we step away from a preset attack and once we become familiar with the attack, we start exploring possible counterattacks. Certainly, it’s not sparring where attacks are random, but as mentioned before, it’s a starting point that allows you to move towards more complex or realistic exercises.

In the context of Systema Coronel Maksimtsov, it also helps us assimilate Systema principles in a controlled manner.

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