Defences Survival  

Hands release

This is a hand-release exercise. Why should you be interested in knowing and mastering how to release hand holds?

Many dangerous situations begin with a simple grab, whether of hands, clothing, etc. Imagine a child abduction attempt, or a young man grabbing a girl’s hand during a party, or perhaps someone grabbing your hand while you are walking distracted. Sometimes you can prevent things from escalating just by releasing the hold without resorting to further violence. For example, you wouldn’t want to break the nose of a friend who’s had a bit too much to drink and has become annoying, right?

Each of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov’s techniques is designed to improve your survivability, agility, and health. Becoming proficient in this movement will give you more confidence and the ability to remain calm in adverse situations.

If you want to learn more about self-defense techniques that can save your life and the lives of your loved ones, feel free to get in touch with me.

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