Agility Health Motivation Survival  

How to Stay Fit Always

What is the best way to stay in shape consistently? When we talk about being fit, we don’t mean being an elite athlete, but rather being in optimal condition to carry out our daily tasks without difficulty, maintain good health, and keep a positive attitude.

To understand this, it is necessary to comprehend how our body and mind function, at least in their subconscious part. From now on, we will refer to both as the “body.”

  1. Our body has an innate ability to conserve energy. Throughout evolution, living beings have had to face various dangers and challenges. In response to these adversities, they have developed the ability to conserve energy as a vital survival strategy. Humans are no exception, and our body actively seeks to save energy.
  2. Everything that does not progress, regresses. As another measure of adaptation and survival, our body only develops what it needs and tends to lose what it does not use.

Now that we have reviewed these two principles, you will understand the need to engage in certain physical (and mental) activities to stay in shape. Otherwise, the parts of the body that you do not use will gradually atrophy.

However, the question arises: How much exercise should we do, and what type of activity is most beneficial? The answer to these questions varies from person to person, as it depends on various individual factors. It is crucial to understand that there is no fixed rule, nor is it simply about exercising in large quantities.

Consider salt, an essential dietary source for the proper functioning of the body. However, in excessive amounts, it can be harmful to health. Similarly, a meal without salt may seem tasteless, but an excess of salt can ruin its flavor.

For exercise to be beneficial for health, like salt, it must be consumed in the right amount. But what is that amount? Our body has the natural ability to recover. Healthy exercise is one that does not exceed this recovery capacity but at the same time challenges it to some extent. Remember the second principle: what does not progress, regresses.

As for the choice of physical activity, it will also vary according to individual needs and preferences. However, it is advisable to opt for activities that involve the body as a whole. Although I personally recommend the Systema Colonel Maksimtsov, designed to improve health, agility, and survival capacity, there are numerous equally beneficial options, such as swimming, yoga, tai chi, or team sports.

But returning to the first principle, the body likes to save energy, and it is perfectly normal to feel lazy when exercising. Therefore, it is essential to seek motivation, and here are some ideas:

  • Seek Challenges: Define clear goals that you cannot immediately achieve and devise a strategy to reach them.
  • Find Training Partners: Exercising with friends, family, or in a group can increase your motivation and commitment.
  • Explore Activities You Enjoy: If you enjoy the activity, you are more likely to remain committed in the long term.
  • Seek Inspiration: Find role models or success stories that motivate you to keep going.
  • Do Not Punish Yourself for Setbacks: It is normal to have ups and downs. The important thing is not to get discouraged and recommit to your goal. Remember that every small step counts towards your overall progress.

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