Agility Defences Health Survival  

General Abdominal Practice

This practice enhances both local circulation in the abdomen and the overall blood circulation, alleviating bloating and promoting intestinal function. It is particularly effective against constipation, promoting regularity in bowel movements and providing relief for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

In addition to its physical benefits, it also helps release accumulated emotional tension in the abdominal region, commonly associated with stress and anxiety. The resulting relaxation contributes to overall emotional balance and better management of daily stress.

It is worth noting that abdominal relaxation serves as an effective defense against cuts, which penetrate more easily in a tense abdomen, thus helping to protect internal organs.

Furthermore, this practice can simulate the impact of a blow to the head. Upon rising, blood rushes to the head and may cause some disorientation. Managing this situation helps deal with similar real-life scenarios, without the drawbacks of an actual blow, facilitating a prompt recovery.

Perform this practice with caution, as it may involve certain risks. If you require assistance or want to learn more about this or other practices from Systema Coronel Maksimtsov, feel free to contact me. I’m here for you!

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