
Weight loss

I have been a student of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov for several years. In that time I have advanced almost 3 levels of Systema Coronel Maksimtsov and I have done several online courses, among them

“Effective breathing for increased survivability, getting rid of health problems”,

“Effective gait is the key to good health, to self-defense and to survival in general”,

“Russian dynamic yoga. Recovery symmetry of Human body.

“Recovery and improvement of eyesight.

which have allowed me to learn important principles and practices to improve health and survival skills, and which I recommend to everyone.

But one course I especially wanted to recommend is

“Weight loss program and getting rid of a big belly.”

I don’t have a big problem with overweight, but over the years, and due to my neglect of my diet and the cleansing of the digestive system, my belly had grown and grown to an unattractive size, so I decided to take this course. This is a problem shared by many, if not most, people of my age.

I haven’t finished the course yet, but I can already see the results, I maintain a good weight for my height, and my waist circumference has decreased by 2 cm, enough for me to regain a reasonable figure. And best of all, all this without taking medicine, doing strenuous exercise or following any exotic diet.

The Systema Colonel Maksimtsov method is based on effective natural cleansing of the digestive system with natural movements of the body, in a way that is accessible to everyone.

If you want to know more about this method, do not hesitate to ask me, or consult this page:

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