
2nd Principle of Motion of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov – Centre of Gravity

The principles of Motion of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov’s are principles taken directly from the laws of physics and human biomechanics and used to obtain efficient movement.

The second principle of motion says that in order to make our movements more efficient and easier when performing some work, we must use our centre of gravity.

What is the centre of gravity? The centre of gravity of a body is an imaginary point where the total weight of this body can be assumed to be concentrated.

Now remember Newton’s second Law, which says that Force equals Mass multiplied by Acceleration.

When you use your centre of mass, you are using the whole mass of your body, so you will have much more force at your disposal than using, for example, only your hand or arm, and you will also get much less tired.

Systema Colonel Maksimtsov’s principle-based training helps you understand how to use your body efficiently in the fastest and most effective way possible.

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