
1st Principle of Motion of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov – Relaxation

The principles of motion of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov are principles taken directly from the laws of physics and human biomechanics and used to obtain efficient movement.

The first principle is the principle of relaxation. It says that muscles that are not doing any work at a given moment should be completely relaxed and muscles involved in a given movement are tense as long as they are needed, and should relax once their work is done.

During daily life we do a lot of unnecessary work, as we have tension at all times (physical and psychological) that does not help the work we are doing at a precise moment, and in many occasions even hinders it.

With the first principle of movement, we can eliminate unnecessary tension and thus save a lot of energy that we can use to do more productive work. However, true relaxation is not about saying to yourself “I am relaxed”, or doing meditation where you are relaxed for 30 minutes and tense for the rest of the day. Systema Colonel Maksimtsov contains a wide variety of exercises with which you will gradually learn where your unnecessary tensions are and thus be able to eliminate them and improve your efficiency in any activity.

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