
What is Systema Maksimtsov?

To explain what Systema Colonel Maksimtsov is, in my opinion, I will use an example that I think will make it clear what I mean.

There are computers with different operating systems, among them, the most popular are Windows PCs, Apple with macOS and other PCs with Linux. All of them are valid, and everyone has their own preferences, some people say that Apple is better for design, others say that Windows is simpler and Linux is more complicated.

Linux may seem more complicated, but once you understand how to use it, it gives you more versatility, and you can adjust it to your needs.

Of these three types of computers with their respective operating systems, I would identify Systema Colonel Maksimtsov with Linux.

Systema Colonel Maksimtsov is a complete art of survival in every sense and with it you can learn the principles and basics to adjust it to your needs.

Does this mean that other martial arts are not versatile? Like Windows and Apple, they can also be adjusted and used as you like, but people who use them usually do so in the hope that they will not have to tinker with them. There are, for example the mixed martial arts that were formed from the fusion of different martial arts. But again, adjusting these martial arts to, for example, self-defence, requires a different approach and if you don’t understand the basics of how to do it, it can be an arduous task. Whereas Systema Colonel Maksimtsov itself focuses on rules and principles that make the moves efficient, and once understood, you can use them as you wish. What’s more, Systema Colonel Maksimtsov does not focus exclusively on the physical plane, so it can be used to achieve virtually any goal, even if its main objectives are survival, health and agility.

And so we come to the key question that everyone asks: is Systema Colonel Maksimtsov effective, and can it really be used?

And the answer is yes, it is certainly a highly effective art, but back to our computer example:

Let’s say you have your Linux computer on which you have made a simple program in which you write down your friends’ phone numbers. You test it a bit, it works, and you show it to your mother, who looks at it a bit and declares you’re a genius.

But if you let someone else try out your program, they’re likely to find bugs in a few seconds, and correcting these small bugs will make your program more robust. Do you want to keep improving your program? You’ll have to keep doing more tests or maybe start using it, and by the time there’s a problem, you’ll have found something that needs to be improved.

Why am I writing all this? A lot of people, no matter what they practice, just “show to their mom”, that is to say, their partner does an attack of dubious quality and ends up on the floor after having a technique of equally dubious quality applied to him.

If you want to improve your techniques and moves, there is no alternative but to try them with real attacks and this is a feature of Systema Colonel Maksimtsov as well as its excellent methodology of optimal learning and improvement. As I said before, Systema Colonel Maksimtsov is very broad and versatile, and has very diverse topics that you can practice at your own pace, being able to learn only the part that interests you.

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